Western Foundation AAUW Endowment

What our philanthropy supports!

In 1996, the Bellingham Branch membership established the “AAUW Bellingham, Washington, Branch Endowment” with the Western Washington University Foundation.  The original branch goal for the endowment was $20,000.  Gifts have increased the principal to about three times that amount, with variations according to stock market fluctuations.  Earnings from the endowment, which is managed by The Western Foundation, are used toward annual scholarships at WWU.

To donate to the endowment, designate “AAUW Endowment” when making tax-deductible contributions to The Western Foundation.  You may also contribute through planned giving as part of an estate plan.  For information, contact the Western Foundation, 360-650-3027.

If you are interest in applying for the scholarship, it will be advertised through the WWU Scholarship Center starting in the spring of 2020.  To see the criteria, here is the link to the previously awarded scholarship application notification:
