President’s Message


Judi Edwards

Dear Members of AAUW, Whatcom Branch,                               June 2024

                   “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass.

                     It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

                                                                                       Author Vivian Green

AAUW Whatcom Board is grateful for your contributions in the success of its local branch. It hasn’t been an easy two years, and yet – you joyfully showed commitment to the noble mission of AAUW, in advancing women’s status throughout the pandemic.

We are proud to share with you that over several years, our Branch has provided $12,600 in scholarships- to Western Washington University (WWU), Whatcom Community College (WCC), Bellingham Technical College and North West Indian College.  In addition, we have provided $3,000 to other educational sponsorships, WCC’s Girls Go Tech and AAUW’s National Conference for College Women Student Leaders. We stepped up to contribute towards child care needs of an international student at WWU so the mother can fulfill her dream of higher education. We also contribute towards Food Pantry of local colleges.

Tech Trek, a STEM Camp for 7th grade girls designed and directed by AAUW at the national and state level, has had a program in Whatcom County since 2013. The camp is one week on a college campus with all classes and labs taught and directed by women in STEM fields. The girls, nominated by their science, math or tech teachers, have an opportunity for hands-on experience in science fields that are of interest to them.  Full room and board in a college dorm, instruction by career teachers and STEM professionals, a science-based field trip and opportunities to connect with women in STEM careers costs approximately $1,000 per camper. Fundraising in the community, as well as board and individual contributions has provided scholarships for 46 girls since 2013. Money raised for camper scholarships since 2013 amounts to $43,000.

Our High School Scholars Program has honored over 40 Junior Girls a year for being the best in their high school STEM fields.  We are pleased to share that we have extended our program to all the Whatcom County High Schools.

We worked to provide many stimulating ZOOM meetings with great speakers for the last two years.   Fortunately, we have mostly stayed healthy and carefully taken care of ourselves and our families.

Thank you for your part in all of the above mentioned success stories by paying your dues, staying connected, being involved in the meetings and/or for committing to work on projects.  We are most appreciative of your continued support and wish you all the best. Looking forward to many meaningful mission projects and  continued friendships.

We can say with joy, we have “BEEN DANCING IN THE RAIN.”

With warm regards,

Whatcom AAUW Board.