Tech Trek – STEM Camp for Middle School Girls

TECH TREK Campers for 2024



Tech Trek Camp 2019

Our Bellingham TechTrek Campers for 2019.
Liv Hampton and Julianna Schenkel, Shuksan Middle School; Sydney Wolfson and Angelica Khizhnyak, Kulshan Middle School, and Paige Leonard, Vista Middle School in Ferndale (our first Trekker from outside the Bellingham School District).

Bellingham Branch members were delighted to have this year’s Tech Trek scholarship recipients attend the September meeting. They were full of thanks to members, sponsors, parents and teachers for their support. Each one talked about their favorite courses at the week-long STEM camp, such as doing dissections and studying meiosis.

At our meeting, the girls were a rapt audience for speaker Josephine Hollandbeck, an advanced cybersecurity student at Whatcom Community College and a local electrician. Josephine shared videos of an all-female computer hacking competition team, and showed them the many possibilities for careers in cybersecurity. (This was a whole new world for some of us!)

For the first time, Bellingham Branch was able to send a student from a middle school outside of the Bellingham District. She is Paige Leonard, of Vista Middle School in Ferndale.

List of Tech Trek donors is growing

Since the Bellingham Branch began sponsoring middle school girls to attend the Tech Trek summer camps for STEM enrichment, the value of the program has become more widely understood throughout the community. This has resulted in more, and larger, contributions to the program.

Here is a list of the contributors to Tech Trek from the past 5 years until now with more recent donations listed first. These are gifts at or above $250.

1. Bellingham Rotary Club
2.  Wilson Engineering (2 yrs.)
3.  Faithlife (2 yrs.)
4. Bellingham Central Lions Club
5.  Judith Edwards
6.  Steve and Beth Bloom (parents of a Tech Trek camper)
7.  Dr. Sarah Mostad (parent of a Tech Trek camper)
8.  Anonymous Bellingham Branch member
9. Helene Berg-Kolin

Thanks to these donors and the many others who have made smaller gifts.

The Bellingham AAUW Tech Trek Committee is led by Pam Sankey, Jean Cox-Treverton and Esther Golde.